5th International Conference Water resources and wetlands 2020 Tulcea Romania Water resources and wetlands 9-13 September 2020 Tulcea ROmania Romanian Limnogeographical Association German Limnological Society Polish Limnological Society


Oral & Poster presentation

Oral Presentation (in person or virtual)
»The Language of Conference is English
»Time for oral presentations: 15 minutes + 5 minutes discussion (format MS PowerPoint - no other format can be accepted)
»Only conference computers will be used for face to face participants; presentation will be saved on CD/DVD/USB stick and preloaded on the organizers computers
» Live oral presentation for face-to-face and virtual participants – only in special situation (technical problems/internet connection or other situations) we will use the video recording received from you
» For virtual participants a video recording is mandatory!
» Submission deadline of video recording (15 minutes) for virtual participants: August 25, 2023
» If on September 14 and 15 you travel or present from other country than the one which are in registration form please inform us – we will adapt the program to your local time
» Video recording of oral presentation received from participants are not available before/after the conference
» All video recording received will be deleted from our database after the conference!

Poster presentation (face to face or virtual participants)
All posters will be presented in electronic form and include:
-1 ppt/pptx/pdf/jpg available on the web before the conference (size A0, landscape)
-a live presentation of your poster on poster session(s) using a .ppt with 1-2 slide up to 3 minutes.
»Include author(s) name and e-mail address on your poster
»All poster presentations (virtual or face-to-face participants) will be sent us (wrw_conference@limnology.ro), in electronic form (ppt/pptx/pdf/jpg), before September 1st and will be available online before the start of the conference.
»If you do not inform us that you want the poster to remain on the conference web after the end of the event (it is free of charge), all posters will be deleted from the web and from our database.

More details will be available soon !

Certificate of participation:
Certificate of participation will be made available digitally after the congress closure

Code of conduct (courtesy of Diversity and Inclusion Commission of the Iberian Society of Ecology (SIBECOL))
Romanian Limnogeographical Association (RLA), Polish Limnological Society (PLS), German Limnological Society (GLS), Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), Danube Delta National Institute Tulcea (DDNI) and the organizing committee of the meeting are particularly aware of the value of diversity. We know that only by promoting diversity within our members and persons participating in meetings we can generate a sufficiently enriching and inclusive environment for ground-breaking ideas and innovative projects to emerge, to promote scientific research and provide answers to the current water resources crisis.
The knowledge society needs a diverse and tolerant academic space, compromised with social justice. Our motivation is to help people dedicated to Limnology to develop professionally to get the position they want, such as teaching, research or management, and to be able to carry out any facet of their work (e.g., laboratory, expeditions to take samples, paleontological excavations, oceanographic campaigns, attending academic events) regardless of their ethnicity/racial identity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental difference, national origin, religion, and any other identity aspect without being subject to discrimination or abuse.
Consequently, the organizing committee want to ensure as far as possible that the 6th WRW conference is a safe and inclusive space where all participants feel comfortable and free to share their research, learn from others, and interact with other attendees. For this reason, we will not tolerate any kind of harassment, discrimination, abuse, or degrading treatment.
Each member and all persons (including volunteers, guests, exhibitors, and sponsors) participating in the WRW2023conference and in any associated workshops and activities are bound by this Code of Conduct and should:
Conduct themselves responsibly, with integrity in an objective, professional and lawful manner
Communicate scientific methods and knowledge in a clear, honest, professional, and unbiased manner.
Respect internationally accepted principles of research integrity.
Avoid negative comments in relation to a person's ethnicity/racial identity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical or mental difference, national origin, religion, family status, socio-economic status, age, physical appearance, or level of employment and educational background. Discrimination based on any of these, or other less apparent differences, will not be tolerated and respect should be showed in any interaction with colleagues, staff, and guests of the meeting.
Avoid the use of any aspect of a person's identity to humiliate or discredit them.
Respect person's chosen name and pronouns.
Respect personal boundaries. Boundaries set by others must be always observed
Harassment of any kind, including unwelcome sexual advances and requests for sexual favors, sexually graphic statements, or any other verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.
Avoid negative disparaging comments in relation to another person's career or work, person's lifestyle, diet, or health.
Online harassment on any platform or social network (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) and offensive or discriminatory jokes or teasing and deliberate bullying or threats will not be tolerated.
Avoid continuous interruptions in talks or conversations with colleagues
Those attendees to the 6th WRW2023 conference who harass, abuse, discriminate or degrade any other attendee in the terms described above, will be reprimanded according to the seriousness of the offense. It can involve exclusion without reimbursement from the meeting. If needed, the offense will be reported to the police.
To report abusive behaviour during the 6th WRW2023 conference or for any questions related to this issue, please contact in person or via email one of the following contact persons:
Contact 1: Gabriela Ioana-Toroimac; e-mail: gabriela.toroimac@geo.unibuc.ro
Contact 2: Piotr Klimasyk; e-mail: piotr.klimaszyk@amu.edu.pl
Contact 3: Pablo Rodríguez-Lozano; e-mail: pablorodriguezlozano@gmail.com
Contact 4: Petre Bretcan; e-mail: petrebretcan@yahoo.com

We are aware that it is not easy to report harassment, discrimination, or degrading treatment from another person, especially when there is a power relationship, you have a precarious work situation or an unconsolidated academic career. However, this step is absolutely needed to be able to eradicate non-tolerable attitudes in our work environment. The organizers of the meeting are committed to assisting the reporting person and keeping them anonymous. Information will be confidential, and it will not be shared with anyone else without prior agreement with the affected person. If, to carry out any action, WRW board or the meeting Organizing Committee need to be informed, this step will not be taken without prior consensus of the affected person.
WRW2023 and the organizing committee hope that all attendees follow this code of conduct, and everybody enjoy the 6th WRW meeting in Tulcea.


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Plenary speakers
Oral&Poster presentation








©Romanian Limnogeographical Association (2008)