5th International Conference Water resources and wetlands 2020 Tulcea Romania Water resources and wetlands 9-13 September 2020 Tulcea ROmania Romanian Limnogeographical Association German Limnological Society Polish Limnological Society


Local information

Tulcea city is situated in the north part of Dobrogea, on the right bank of Tulcea’s branch, at half the distance between Chilia Ceatal and Sf. Gheorghe Ceatal, 8 km down the river from the first forking of Danube, 45°11’ north latitude and 28°48’ east longitude. It is the residence of the fourth size county in the country and it also includes in its administrative territory, Tudor Vladimirescu locality, situated in front of the city, on the left branch of Danube. Situated on seven hills, the city has a surface of 19 km square (... read more)

The Eco-Museum Research Institute Tulcea is defined as a permanent public institution which serves the society and unify under its care archaeological bases, memorial houses and local museums (... read more).

Language: Whilst Romanian (a Latin family language) is spoken throughout Romania, you will easily find English speakers. Most of the hotel and restaurant staff speak English.

Local time: The local standard time zone in Romania is GMT + 2 hours

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