


Commission for Water Sustainability of the International Geographical Union (IGU) invites you to the conference Water sustainability in a changing world, 11th - 14th June 2019, in Bucharest, Romania.


Ongoing global climate change, population growth, urban sprawl, land use modification and rapid development of economic activities are some of the most relevant facets of the transformations affecting our planet in the last decades, with significant impacts on water resources. These changes have led to alterations of the quantitative, qualitative and ecological features of the aquatic environment, threatening the sustainability of water resources. Meanwhile, extreme hydrological events, which appear to have increased in frequency and magnitude, have caused noteworthy human, economic and environmental damages, sometimes catastrophic.
Under these circumstances, ensuring water sustainability and mitigating water induced risks could be considered as major challenges of the contemporary world. In order to address these challenges, integrative and interdisciplinary approaches are needed, as well as a good relationship between science and practice, allowing to identify adequate and efficient solutions to the water related issues.
In this context, the conference entitled Water sustainability in a changing world, organized under the aegis of the International Geographical Union (IGU), Commission for Water Sustainability (CWS), aims to create an opportunity for an international meeting focused on water issues. In the last three decades, the CWS held regular international conferences in different locations of the world in order to promote the dissemination of research results in the field of hydrology and water management, as well as to bring together researchers/practitioners from different institutions and countries, and thereby favoring the development of international academic/scientific cooperation.
Although the conference is organized within the IGU, it does not only addresses geographers, but any scientists (from academic or research institutions), practitioners, managers and policy makers in the water and other associated fields, interested to share their knowledge and experience, in order to find possible solutions to current and future problems related to water. The conference is also addressed to young researchers and PhD students eager to improve their professional training and to meet scientists or colleagues for further collaborations.
The topics of the conference cover the most important issues concerning the water in relation to the society, in the context of global changes, as well as current methodologies/techniques for approaching these issues.
The conference program includes presentations of papers in various sessions and a half day thematic application in Bucharest, as well as a 2 days field trip to the Romanian Carpathians, focused on issues related to the management of water resources and hydrological risks.

University of Bucharest
Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB)
Faculty of Geography, Department of Meteorology – Hydrology
Research Center "Water Resources and Water Related Risks Management" (GRARH)
Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy