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Water resources and wetlands. 14-16 September 2012, Tulcea (ROMANIA) |
THE MANAGEMENT OF THE WATER RESOURCES IN THE GILORT HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN Ciocăzan Grigore Administratia Bazinală de Apă Jiu Abstract A study upon the underground waters in a hydrographic basin is based on two aspects, each with equal importance: the physic-geographical aspect is represented through the direct influence of the surface underground waters on the flowing and the economical aspect represented by the potential of the fresh and mineral waters. The surface underground waters are very abundant in the mountain area, where the precipitations are above 1200 mm/year. This is the origin of the main river sources in the Gilort hydrographic basin. In the piedmont and the subcarpathian area, the surface underground waters which are intercepted through the wells depend on the rains, a lot of them being dry during the summer and the autumn. The deep underground waters represent the main source of fresh water and industrial water for the population and the economy of the studied area. Until today there have been made 98 drills (50-350 meters deep) with a potential volume of 624 l/s. The deep aquifer deposits belong to the Pliocene period and are composed from sand and gravel. There are three main areas with deep drills: Tg-Carbunesti, Socu and Turburea. The water from these drills is of the first category of quality. In the area of the subcarpathian hills of interior (Ciocadia and Sacelu) there are mineral water springs with therapeutic properties known and used since the roman period. Keywords: subterranean waters, drills, mineral water springs |
© Asociatia Romana de Limnogeografie (2008) |