Reviewer information
Before submitting your article check carefully the instructions for authors. The peer review process starts with an internal decision.
Proceeding papers can be rejected at this stage. This process normally takes a week. If the editor believes the paper may be of interest to our readers, it is then sent out for external “double blind” peer review.
Each article (without the name of the author(s)) is sent to two reviewers for evaluation. The comments of peer reviewers will be sent to the author by the editorial board to make the recommended changes, if necessary.
The peer reviewers' names are unknown to manuscript author(s). Peer reviewers are asked to give their opinion on a number of issues pertinent to the quality and suitability of a paper,
and to judge papers on grounds of originality and importance.
Upon peer reviewers' recommendations, the manuscript can be accepted, sent back to author for minor revisions, sent back to author to be resubmitted or rejected.
Conference proceedings Water resources and wetlands publishes researches on rivers and lakes ecosystem ecology, climate changing and water resources, coastal environment, deltas and wetlands, and water policies. Contributions are often in combinations determined by interdisciplinary study.Conference proceedings Water resources and wetlands promotes and respect the ethical principles of scientific publishing. These standards are essential to ensure quality and credibility of scientific publications. All manuscript are considered without regard to sex, gender, race, religion, citizenship, etc. of the authors. Romanian Limnogeographical Association and the partners are committed to maintain the statements of COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors (