1. Mineral Waters and the Integrated Development of the Local Economies
National Society of Mineral Waters and the Research Center for Integrated Analysis and Territorial Management want to initiate an interactive debate about the possibility of the sustainable exploitation of the mineral water resources, in the national and international context. The 3rd International Conference „Water Resources and Wetlands” is the best opportunity to bring together specialists from different fields of study and to share their ideas.
The workshop theme:
The debates will include possibilities for exploiting mineral waters in the integrated development of local economies. The topics proposed can be classified into the following areas: distribution of mineral resources in Romania, specific structural dynamics of territorial systems with significant mineral resources, the role of health tourism in developing local economies, territorial management systems with specific spa resources.
The workshop objectives:
1. Discussions on the distribution of mineral water resources in Romania.
2. Can mineral resources really contribute to the integrated development of the local economies?
3. Proposals for concrete action.
Mr. Radu Dumitru – General Manager of the National Society of Mineral Waters
Mr. Daniel Peptenatu – General Manager of the Research Center for Integrated Analysis and Territorial Management.
Mr. Daniel Constantin Diaconu – Workshop coordinator.
Mr. Radu-Daniel Pintilii – Scientific Manager of the Research Center for Integrated Analysis and Territorial Management.
Oral presentations:
Complementarity of the SPA tourism in the development of the territorial systems
Daniel Constantin Diaconu, Daniel Peptenatu, Ion C. Andronache, Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Razvan-Cătălin Dobrea
Structural dynamics of the entrepreneurial profile in the territorial systems with SPA tourism resources. Băile Herculane, as a case study
Cristian-Constantin Drăghici, Daniel Peptenatu, Alexandra Grecu, Ana-Maria Ilie, Andreea Karina Gruia
Prospects for development of the spa tourism in Calimanesti-Caciulata area
Radu-Daniel Pintilii, Andreea Karina Gruia, Cristian-Constantin Drăghici, Vlad Loghin, Mircea-Cristian Visan
Prospects for development of the spa tourism in Ocnele Mari territorial system
Camelia Teodorescu, Alexandra Grecu, Adrian-Gabriel Simion, Iulia Nedelcu, Ana-Maria Ciobotaru
2. Impact, potential distribution and sustainable management of invasive plant species in protected areas
The Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy and Danube Delta – National Institute for Research and Development propose an interdisciplinary debate about the impacts, potential distribution and sustainable management of invasive plant species in protected areas with a special focus on wetlands (e.g. Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Comana Natural Park, Mureş Floodplain Natural Park). The 3rd International Conference „Water Resources and Wetlands” is a good opportunity for experts from different fields of expertise to exchange knowledge and skills and to develop new research ideas on biological invasions through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches.
The workshop theme:
Under the current global environmental changes, biological invasions range among the most critical ecological threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services, thus becoming central issues for the conservation of biodiversity. This is a major topic mainly in the wetland areas, spaces that provide support for numerous habitats. The workshop is aiming to address the key issues of invasive species with a focus on the Danube Basin, as well as the possibility to strengthen the cooperation between the scientific community, protected areas management, policy and decision makers in order to provide transdisciplinary knowledge and solution-oriented management.
The workshop topics:
1. Biogeographical and ecological analysis of invasive plant species
2. Impacts and potential distribution of the main invasive plant species in protected areas
3. Proposals for integrated management, control, eradication and alternative usage of invasive plant species
4. Communication, raising awareness and education on the impacts of invasive plant species in protected areas
Monica Dumitraşcu – Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy – Workshop coordinator
Ines Grigorescu – Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy
Gheorghe Kucsicsa - Ph.D., Scientific Researcher, Institute of Geography, Romanian Academy
Mihai Doroftei - Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Danube Delta – National Institute for Research and Development
3. Bioeconomia în Delta Dunării – constrângeri, oportunităţi şi soluţii financiare
Bio-economy in the Danube Delta, contraints, opportunities and financial solutions
(language – romanian/english)
9 Septembrie 2016 - Sala de Conferinţe "Dunărea", Hotel Delta 3*, etaj 7, Tulcea
USH Probusiness, Bio Danubius Cluster, the Faculty of Engineering, Informatics and Geography – "Spiru Haret" University, and the Professional Association of Geography, Ecology and Tourism "Geographic Destiny" propose on The 3rd International Conference "Water Resources and Wetlands" to be held a workshop on bio economy as the best way to ensure the sustainable development of the Danube Delta taking care of the environmental protection and the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems. The goals of the work shop are to bring to the attention the way the concept of bio-economy may be applied in the unique Danube Delta region. The largest wetland are in Romania, the Danube Delta, could benefit from the experience, the interactive actions, the ideas and the contributions of specialists in the field, gathered at this conference, to develop local bio-economy.
The workshop theme
In the European Union Strategy for Danube Region (EUSDR) context, this workshop aims to aware about the bio-economic potential of the Danube Delta and, through the Bio Danubius Cluster, to provide the bet financing solutions for the sustainable development.
The message of the Bio Danubius Cluster is that "in the modern globalized world, where the risks of the unsustainable development model are threating even our survival, we who are related by the Danube can do otherwise, bringing an unique contribution to transform the Danube region in the only alternative of prosperity that people have available, based on the environment and resources protection, the healthy living, the respect and care for generations to come, and the belief that together we are stronger".
The topics:
1. The value chains of the bio economy in the Danube Delta
2. The bio economy in the context of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
3. Organic farming potential of the Danube Delta
4. The exchange of the best practice and know-how
5. Implementation of the joint projects
6. Financing solutions and business opportunities for:
- supporting and promoting organic agriculture and food development of products, services and eco/bio-processes;
- the promotion, development and support sustainable growth of tourism potential;
- support for energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, combating climate changes;
- protecting the environment and biodiversity;
- the sustainable and competitive development of the primary fisheries sector;
- increased connectivity, accessibility and mobility;
- revaluation of heritage, culture and local art;
- supporting the labor market integration of the population in the disadvantaged areas.
Costin Lianu – PhD, Manager of the USH Probusiness, Manager of the Bio Danubius Cluster
Mădălina-Teodora Andrei – PhD, Faculty of Engineering, Informatics and Geography – "Spiru Haret" University, EUSDR Officer – USH Probusiness, President of the Professional Association of Geography, Ecology and Tourism "Geographic Destiny"
Corina Simona Gudei – PhD, Director - USH Probusiness, Faculty of Economics - "Spiru Haret" University, Bio Danubius member and expert in marketing organic products
9 Septembrie 2016 - Sala de Conferinţe "Dunărea", Hotel Delta 3*, etaj 7, Tulcea
10:45 – 11:00: Înregistrarea participanţilor
11:00 – 11:10: Opening speech / Cuvânt introductiv – Dl. Petrişor Petrescu, Preşedintele Clusterului Bio Danubius
11:10 – 11:25: The economic importance of the Danube Delta and the opportunities offered by the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) in sustainable development / Importanţa economică a Deltei Dunării şi oportunităţile oferite de Strategia Uniunii Europene pentru Regiunea Dunării (SUERD) în dezvotarea durabilă - Dr. Mădălina-Teodora Andrei, ofiţer SUERD – USH Pro Business, lector Facultatea de Inginerie, Informatică şi Geografie – USH, Preşedinte Asociaţia Profesională de Geografie, Ecologie şi Turism "Destin Geografic", Bucureşti
11:25 – 11:40: The Danube Delta brand in the new bio-economy paradigm and the clusters innovative role in developing regional value chains / Brandul Delta Dunării în noua paradigmă a bioeconomiei şi rolul inovativ al clusterelor în dezvoltarea lanţului valoric regional – Dr. Costin Lianu, Coordonator SNE si SUERD sector privat, expert clustere, membru fondator Clustero, Director General USH Pro Business, Manager Cluster Bio Danubius, Bucureşti
11:40 - 11:55: Cross-territorial approach for Matching Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research with coastal bioeconomy / Abordarea ecoteritorială pentru îmbinarea securităţii alimentare, agriculturii şi silviculturii durabile, a cercetărilor marine, maritime şi pe ape interioare cu bioeconomia regiunilor de coastă – Dr. Iulian Nichersu, Drd. Eugenia Marin, Drd. Silviu Covaliov, Institutul de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Delta Dunării, Tulcea
11:55 – 12:10: Bio Danubius Cluster - the role in the local economy of the Danube Delta / Clusterul Bio Danubius – rolul în economia locală a Deltei Dunării – Drd. Corina Gudei, Director General USH Pro Business, Membru Cluster Bio Danubius
12:10 – 12:55: Discuţii/Networking