Valentin Zaharia, Radu Drobot, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania
Entire world corcerns more and more to improve, to maintain and to restabilsh the wetlands. Because of the excessive urbanization and of the bitter insistance from each state to have large agricultural areas or intense urban agglomerations, dewatering of the wetlands became inevitable in the second half of the 19th century and in the 20th century. Without awareness the environmental impact of these decisions, Romania took also the same measures.
Models are simplifications of the reality cases from nature, that will be analized trying to understand physical, chemical and biological processes and transpose them into mathematical relations. In the first steps, the designer of the model should establish the scale of the effort that he/she will be doing. It is necessary to take the first decisions about the future model: creating a 1D, 2D or a 3D model, the calculations will be done with analitical or numerical methods, the simulation will be done stady-state or transient. The relations between the wetland that will be created, surface water and groundwater must be established. According to this it is necessary to calculate the storage equation of the area and to analyze the solutions by which the previous balance will be established. Normally, the rivers network and wetlands drainage the hydrogeological basins but the exchange rate and intensity of this flows can vary in time. Infiltrations from the surface waters and the flows exchange between river and aquifer are important and influence the storage equation of the wetland.
Keywords: Mathematical modeling, storage equation, wetland