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Water resources and wetlands. 14-16 September 2012, Tulcea (ROMANIA) |
ASPECTS CONERNING THE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN OF RÂUL TÂRGULUI Mariana Mihăescu C-tin Brâncoveanu College, Târgovişte Abstract The River Râul Târgului, whose springs are situated in the alpine area of the Iezer and Păpuşa Mountains, crosses the Depression of Câmpulung and, up to the point where it sheds its waters in the Argeş River, it gathers numerous tributaries, its hydrographic basin being more developed on the right side. The hydrological regime of this river is directly influenced by the physical-geographic conditions in which the hydrographic basin is situated namely: geological substratum, relief, climate, vegetation, soils. At the same time, the anthropic interventions in the landscape of the hydrographic basin of Râului Târgului generate some modifications in today’s local hydrological conditions, which influence the natural flow regime. The Râuşor dam, arranged on Râul Târgului, meant to supply water for Câmpulung Muscel, to produce electric power, to irrigate 8500 ha in agriculture and to attenuate the high flood waves, causes some management problems at present. Keywords: Râul Târgului, arrangements, flow, Râuşor |
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