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Water resources and wetlands. 14-16 September 2012, Tulcea (ROMANIA) |
BRATIA HYDROGRAPHIC BASIN, MORPHOMETRIC FEATURES Mihai Dumitrescu German „Goethe” College, Bucharest Abstract In the hydrographic basin of Râul Doamnei stands out in axial plan Bratia hydrographic Basin which is a tributary of the Râul Târgului overlapping three major units of relief: Iezer Mountains, Muşcelele Argeşului, Gruiurile Argeşului. They influence the morphometric features of the basin. The Bratia springs can be found under the peak Obârşia Iezer of 2300 m altitude and under the saddle Curmătura Groapele of 2038. In the Subcarpathian sector, the relief morphology is complex, given the presence of folded structures located across the river, the anticline Măţău - Ciocanu and syncline
Aluniş and Câmpulung being reflected in the basin through parallel valleys, river catchments and sub-Carpathian depression. The monotonous landscape of Piemont Getic is noticeable in the landscape due to a broad valley corridor. Thus, we notice the presence of a large confluence in the sector of the sub-Carpathian basin, even if Râuşor and Brătioara have their springs in the mountain. Bratia basin extends between an altitude of 2300m and 320m in Obârşia Peak from its outfall into Râul Tâgului; this having an amplitude of 1980 m between maximal and minimal level of the basin. The main affluents of Bratia are: Brătioara on the left side and Năvrapul, Râuşorul şi Slănicul at the right side. Each participant basin occupies different regions, due to the length of its flow, geological stratum and morphometric features of the landscape. Thus Năvrapului Basin occupies 5%, Brătioara basin 9%, Slănicul basin 13% and Râuşorul |
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