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Water resources and wetlands. 14-16 September 2012, Tulcea (ROMANIA) |
ASPECTS CONCERNING THE CLOGGING OF PUCIOASA LAKE Ovidiu Murărescu*, George Murătoreanu*, Mădălina Frînculeasa*, Rareş Ţurloiu** *„Valahia” University of Târgovişte, Târgovişte, Romania Abstract Pucioasa Lake, situated upstream from the locality bearing the same name, was put into operation in 1975. The initial volume was 10.764 million m3, yet the main problem is the intensive storage of alluvial deposits, due to the fact that it retains most of the solid flow brought by Ialomiţa River and by its tributaries. This has led to an intense clogging with a substantial reduction of the water volume held, so that, in 2006, the calculated volume for a height of 418 m was of 6.47 million m3, in the context of a relatively cleaned basin after the high floods of 2005 and 2006, generated by the evacuation operations. After the years 2007 and 2008, when no high floods were recorded and so no cleaning, but just massive storage of alluvial deposits, in 2009 the water volume at 418 m was just of 3.59 million m3, which gave birth to a clogging of about 63% of the initial volume. The reasons leading to the clogging situation are: the change of the rivers’ slope in the upstream area, the increase of the river’s erosion level, its location downstream from the confluence with Ialomicioara Leaotei, with a hydrographic basin developed largely in the deforested Subcarpathian area, made up of easily erodible materials. Keywords: lake, Pucioasa, clogging, water volume |
© Asociatia Romana de Limnogeografie (2008) |