Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Petre Gastescu, Hyperion University of Bucharest (Romania)
Managing Editor: Petre Bretcan, Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania)
Volume 9(2) / 2015
ISSN: 1844-6477 (print version)
ISSN: 2284-5305 (electronic version)







Razvan VOICU, Lliliana VOICU

National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti 97, Bucuresti, cod 013686, România, Tel.: +40-21-3181115, Fax.: +40-21-3181116, e-mail: rzvnvoicu@yahoo.com, lilianavoicu80@gmail.com


Construction of earth or concrete dykes has meant, on the one hand, reducing flood risk, but on the other hand, it meant total or partial destruction of lateral connectivity of watercourses. Both in our country and in other countries, the danger of floods disappeared on some sectors of watercourses from various reasons, such as (the construction of dams upstream), which allowed experts restoring water courses to propose breaking dykes on some sectors (breaches). Thus, in some places wetlands could be restaurated/created. Elsewhere, wetlands were created near rivers without affecting dykes or there were just created wetlands unrelated to rivers. The EU Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / EC supports wetland protection and improvement. Ensuring a balance between nutrients and sediment retention, flood control, climate change control and underground layer of water filling by the means of such wetlands give them a very important role in the aquatic ecosystem functionality. An important factor in reducing global crisis of drinking water is the sustainable use, conservation and wetland construction. Also, wetlands are very important for a variety of aquatic birds, from which some of them are very rare, fish production. Rehabilitation and construction of wetlands along rivers reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems in river basins. The objective of this paper is based on the need to ensure lateral connectivity of the inland rivers of Romanian, in the order to solving present problems of decreased river—floodplain connectivity caused by impoundment and regularization on the water courses. Therefore, the main purpose is to proposed two solutions to restore lateral connectivity of the Bârlad River, in the river sector Bârlad confluence to Gârboveta – confluence to Crasna by creating Bârzesti – Brahasoaia wetland. In this area, in present exist agricultural land and grassland who replaced former natural wetlands. Thus, creating a wetland between Bârzesti and Brahasoaia municipalities and after bordering the area by using the earth dike of the Bârlad River and the other one which is to be built near the railway will lead to the restoration of regional biodiversity and provide other ecosystem services. To implement one of two solution proposed in tthis study has identify a problem in the way that agricultural land in the area are privaty property.

Keywords: ecosystem functionality, wetlands, Bârlad River, lateral connectivity

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