Oana IONUS1, Claudia GOGA2, Marga AVRAM1
1University of Craiova, Geography Department, Craiova, 13, A.I.Cuza street, postal code 200585,Email:oana_ionus@yahoo.com
2Museum of Oltenia, Natural Sciences Department, Craiova, 8, Popa ?apca street, postal code 200416, Email: ioneliagoga@yahoo.com
The Preajba Valley lacustrine complex is located in the South-East of Craiova city (6 km) and it is currently represented by 9 reservoirs. The research aims at elaborating the cross-valley profile along the dams of the Preajba Valley lakes based on the field measurements with GPS Rover - GNSS Smart S 82-T. The analysis of the morphological features of the Preajba Valley lakes is based on the processed data obtained during the field trips conducted in the spring of 2014. Another important objective of this research is to analyze the morphometric elements of the eight lakes of the Preajba Valley (Lakes I, II, III, IVI V, VI, VII, VIII and IX), i.e. surface, perimeter, length, medium width, maximum width and quotient of sinuosity. In comparison with the measurements from the cartographic support using GIS tools, there is observed a reduction of the lake surface (Lake VII and Lake VIII), a change of the appearance of the banks (Lake II) and the appearance of hydrophilic vegetation (Lake V). The lacustrine complex called the Preajba Valley is included on the list of protected areas from Dolj County due to its ecological features and this study could be useful for improving the management of the lakes by the local and regional authorities.
Keywords:GPS data, GIS tools, morphological features, morphometrical parameters, lacustrine complex, Preajba Valley
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