Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Petre Gastescu, Hyperion University of Bucharest (Romania)
Managing Editor: Petre Bretcan, Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania)
Volume 7(2) / 2013
ISSN: 1844-6477 (print version)
ISSN: 2284-5305 (electronic version)






Laurent K. ADOPO1, Gheorghe ROMANESCU2


1Cocody University of Abidjan, UFR des Sciences de la Terre et des Resources Minières, Ivory Coast

2Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geography, Bd. Carol I 20A, 700505, Iasi, Romania




The study led to the estuary of the Comoé River presents the pétro-sedimentary characterization of the sandy coastline. Ten (10) samples of sand  samples have been collected to make granulometric and morphological study of the estuary of the Comoé River. The study has showed that the granulometry of sand fluctuate between fine and coarse sand. These sands are settled in a fluvial environment. The examination of the morphology shows that between 2005 and 2007 years, the depth of the Comoé River underwent, on the whole, some important modifications, which are characterized either erosions (negative variations of thickness), or sedimentation (positive variations of thickness).


Keywords: Comoé, estuary, granulometry, morphology, sediments


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