Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Petre Gastescu, Hyperion University of Bucharest (Romania)
Managing Editor: Petre Bretcan, Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania)
Volume 5(2) / 2011
ISSN: 1844-6477 (print version)
ISSN: 2284-5305 (electronic version)





Ionuţ Cristi NICU1,2, Gheorghe ROMANESCU2, Cristian Constantin STOLERIU2
1,2University „Al.I.Cuza” of Iasi, Interdiscipinary Research Platform ARHEOINVEST, Department of Science, St. Lascăr Catargi 54, 700107, Iaşi, Romania, Fax.0040232-201102, e-mail. nicucristi@gmail.com
2University „Al.I.Cuza” of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Department of Geography, Bd.Carol I 20A, 700505, Iasi, Romania, Tel.0040-744774652, Fax.0040232-201481, e-mail. nicucristi@gmail.com, geluromanescu@yahoo.com, cristoan@yahoo.com


Oii Valley watershed is located in North-Eastern part of Romania and it’s mainly in the area of Moldavian Plain, except a small part from the upper part of basin and the spring of the valley who are located in Suceava Plateau. A particularity of this basin is that it has a very good hidrotechnically feature. Because of this a lots of changes occured in the river bed, mainly caused by various hidrological (floods, dam breaking) and geomorphological (landslides, gullying, areolar erosion) processes and phenomena. The dynamics of lake basins will be made after different cartographic materials from different years and scales (eg. topographic map scale 1:50 000 edition 1894, shooting plans scale 1:20 000 edition 1957-1958, topographic plans scale 1:5 000 edition 1982, ortophotoplans from 2005). We excluded the soviet topographic map scale 1:200 000, edition 1942, because it’s not very conclusive in this way, the majority of lake basins being unable to be represented at this scale. The dinamics will be made with GIS techniques. For archaeological sites and prehistorical settlements location will use the archaeological repertoires along with checking and pointing them in the field with GPS. Using GIS techniques, archaeological sites and prehistorical settlements are investigated and their location according to the hidrological risks and water resouces.

Keywords: archaeological sites, GIS, lake basin, topographical maps, water resouces

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