Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Petre Gastescu, Hyperion University of Bucharest (Romania)
Managing Editor: Petre Bretcan, Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania)
Volume 5(1) / 2011
ISSN: 1844-6477 (print version)
ISSN: 2284-5305 (electronic version)





Romanian Waters National Administration
Water Directorate Argeş-Vedea, Pitesti, Romania


The growing pressures on the water resources have imposed the realization of legislative instruments for their protection and sustainable management on a European level. The Framework Directive 2000/60, defining water as a patrimony that needs to be protected, dealt with and preserved as such, assures the necessary framework for a sustainable water management. The qualitative monitoring of the waters of the upper and middle Arges basin, in order to attain the environmental goals, is carried out in 47 sections (24 river sections, 16 lake sections, 7 drillings for underground waters). This allowed for the definition of its ecological and chemical condition. For the year 2010 under analysis, the quality classes to which the water bodies corresponded were “good” and “moderate”.

Keywords: Arges, water body, monitoring, ecological condition, chemical condition
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© Romanian Limnogeographical Association (2008)