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Water resources and wetlands. 14-16 September 2012, Tulcea (ROMANIA) |
CLEANING UP THE LAKE ĆELIJE FROM NUTRIENTS AND SEDIMENTS Poprasic Bratislav, Markovic Goran, NVO The Ecologic Center of Kruševac, Republic of Serbia Abstract Location of the project: is on the Republic of Serbia, distance of 40 km from the regional road Belgrade – Niš, on the way to National Park Kopaonik. Project location is situated 18km upstream the River Rasina from Kruševac. According to the Serbian Institute for Nature Protection and data from 2004, on the lake Ćelije area there are: 278 plant species, 17 amphibian and reptile species, 8 fish species and 117 bird species (32 of them closely bind to aquatic habitats). There are also 31 species of mammals. Within drainage basin of lake Ćelije we have pressures: waste water discharges (domestic and industrial), land use, agriculture, poaching and tourism, raw water extraction, erosion, out of date of some plans for protection, poor implementation and/or non existing legal framework.Water supply and hydro-accumulation: Lake currently serves as a source of drinking water for about 130.000 citizens of Rasina district, there are plans for future water supply from the Ćelije reservoir of around 270.000 inhabitants in the municipalities of Kruševac, Aleksandrovac, Ćićevac, Varvarin and Trstenik under the prepared Regional Water Supply Scheme, installed water capacity of hydro-accumulation is 41.000.000 m3, hydro-accumulation have length of about 10km with three hydrological basins: Zlatari, Vasici and Vodozahvat.