International Conference Geography Environment and GIS 2015 for students and young researchers 5th International Conference Geography, Environment and GIS, for students and young researchers

Professor PhD. Ioan Ianos

Professor PhD. Ioan IanosIoan Ianoș is born in Ruptura village, Mehedinți County, Romania. Graduating the Geography at Babeș-Bolyai University he became researcher at the Institute of Geography belonging to Romanian Academy. The rigorous scientific atmosphere from Institute of Geography puts the mark on his next professional results. Between January and July 1991, he was invited to work inside of the Equipe P.A.R.I.S. team, belonging to Sorbonne I and CNRS (France). Starting with 1997 he has became full professor at the Faculty of Geography, University of Bucharest. Now, he is professor emeritus at the University of Bucharest, teaching in the Human Geography Department. At the same time, he is leading the Interdisciplinary Centre of Advanced Research on Territorial Dynamics (CICADIT), founded by him in 2001.
His research is focused on the human-environment relationships, on urban and regional development, territorial analysis and theoretical geography. The resurch results are concretised in about 250 books and articles. Among the books, in the Romanian literature are frequent cited: Orașele și organizarea spațiului geographic (Cities and organization of the geographical space), 1987, Sisteme teritoriale (Territorial systems), 2000, and Dinamica urbană (Urban dynamics), 2004. The scientific articles were published in different Romanian journals, and over 50 papers from them in international journals or proceedings (Urban Studies, Land Use Policy, Professional Geographer, Die Erde, L'Espace Géographique, Europe Regional s.a.m.d).
Prof. Ioan Ianoș is member of different scientific Boards of Romanian and International journals, as: "Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft" (ISI journal); "Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles" (Association of Spanish Geographers (ISI journal); "Carpathian Journal of Earth and environmental Sciences" (ISI journal) – 2009; "Urbia, Les Cahiers du développement urbaine durable" (2011-prezent); "L'Espace Géographique"; "AGALI Journal. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities"; "Geography and Tourism", published by Kazimierz Wielki University Press, Bydgoszcz, Polonia.
An important activity is focused on the journals publishing in the field of Geography. In this respect, he is leading (together with R. Paddison) the "Journal of Urban and Regional Analysis" (indexed in ESCI and SCOPUS), "Geograful" and "Analele Asociației Profesionale a Geografilor din România".
The main theoretical concepts launched or developed in the literature are: city as optimal opened thermodynamic and informational system, territorial system, primary eco-energy, passive management, and territorial nano-structure.
Managing different international, national and regional projects, his activity is well-known in the field of regional and urban development, territorial analysis and territorial planning. The main international project was Growth Poles Network in South-East of Europe in the framework of the ESPON European program.
Obtaining habilitation in 1990, in his supervisor quality of PhD thesis, and in his positions leading different research goups or centres, he has had a real contribution to the development of the present-day human geographical schools from Institute of Geography of Romanian Academy, Faculty of Geography of Bucharest University and Geography team from Ovidius University from Constanța. They former PhD students are full professors, associate professors, lecturers or are working in research institutes, different ministries or central institutions.
At the international level he organized Conferences, Seminars and Workshops with a large international participation. As recognition of his research, he was full member of the Commission of Urban Geography of IGU (1996-2000), and he received in 2014 at Tampa (USA) The AAG Award from the part of American Association of Geographers, Regional Development and Planning. At the national level he has received Romanian Academy Award (1990), and after that other honorific titles as: honorary professor of University "A.I.Cuza" from Iași, doctor honoris causa (2011 – University from Oradea; 2012 – West University from Timisoara; 2013 – "Ștefan cel Mare" University from Suceava). For his entire activity in the service of higher education he was awarded in 2004 by the President of Romania the Order: Merit for Education with Degree of High Officer.
Prof. Ioan Ianoș has had an important activity on the managing of higher education system in Romania, by his positions during the last 20 years: General Director for Higher Education in the Ministry of National Education (2001-2005), Expert for Science and Higher Education (Chamber of Deputies) – 2005-2006, member of different national councils as: National Council for Univeritary Diploma, Titles and Certificates Attestation, National Council for Higher Education Financing, National Council for Reasearch Ethics, National Council for Ethics and Universitary Management, National Council of Planners, Romanian Planners' Register, Council of Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (General Secretary – 2017-2019).



©Department of Geography. Valahia University of Targoviste